My go to hike these days in North County San Diego is Lake Calavera Preserve. aka ‘The Volcano.’ Located in the Tri-City North County area of Oceanside, Carlsbad and Vista is an ecological preserve and home to Calavera Mountain. The word ‘Calavera’ means skull, which probably comes from the unusual shape of the area’s centerpiece, Mount Calavera. The 513-ft. Mount Calavera is not really a mountain at all but rather a 22 million-year-old volcanic plug.
The Volcanic Bowl
A standout feature hiking the preserve is the variety and vastness of the more than seventeen-mile trail system. I have done six different routes with four of them leading to the peak.
My favorite and preferred way up is from the western side of the plug where the trail divides. Go west on the trail from the Skyhaven trailhead start to cross the Dam and start the gentle ascent up to the volcano floor. Once at the base of the volcano check our the rock-pattern labyrinth to the left or continue right on the trail-head south.
You will come to the section of the trail that starts to descend south through a gulley or eroded rut. If you go left a spur will begin the ascent towards the peak. The trail composition half-way up is hard-packed and at times slippery sand. The last half of the trail becomes rockier.
Volcano Ridge Labrinyth
Once you start ascending, the trail will guide you. Stay left going north and you will come to the Volcano’s ridge or edge. Go right and then a steep rocky eastern ascent to the peak. Once at the top check out the trinket memorial garden and the exposed area of the summit.
Memorial Trinket Garden
Alternate to this route to the peak is to continue south past the spur to the peak towards the high school in the far distance. You will descend the rocky gulley or eroded rut section. It will end at the intersection with the south-side or backside trail. A low concrete wall follows the trail east. Go left to trek behind the volcano out to a wide expanse. There is a pathway to the peak off of the backside trail, keep your eyes peeled to the left about three-hundred yards along this section of trail.
From here there are numerous spurs that will take you around the preserve. Also, you can go to the water tower which can be seen in the far off southern distance. Continuing on the backside trail section will take you on the longer loop around the back of the Volcano.
It’s hard to get lost here. Skyhaven Drive is within view from most sections of the trail. Also, the volcano serves as a huge landmark to navigate around. Besides Skyhaven you can enter the preserve at the corner of College and College where the High school is located.
Also you can start the hike t the Skyhaven trailhead going east. Following this route takes you to a vegetation canopy over a wooden bridge. This section of the trail takes you to the east side of the Volcano and to the lake trail or wide open spaces to the backside of the Volcano.
Whatever trail you choose you cannot go wrong at Lake Calavera Preserve.
Have Fun and Hike On!